
CG And OOPs Practicals for 2023-24 For Computer Science Student By Karan Rathod

JIT COLLEGE CG AND OOP PRACTICAL BY                                  KARAN RATHOD                                                               💛                                                                                 (Aram Se copy kar bhai)                                                                       CG Practicals  1 #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <dos.h> #include <math.h> void drawcircle(int xc, int yc, int r) {     int d = 3 - 2 * r;     int x = 0;     int y = r;     while (y >= x) {         putpixel(xc + x, yc + y, WHITE);         putpixel(xc + y, yc + x, WHITE);         putpixel(xc + y, yc - x, WHITE);         putpixel(xc + x, yc - y, WHITE);         putpixel(xc - x, yc - y, WHITE);         putpixel(xc - y, yc - x, WHITE);         putpixel(xc - y, yc + x, WHITE);         putpixel(xc - x, yc + y, WHITE);         x++;         if (d > 0) {             y--;             d = d + 4 * (x - y) +

Data Science Lab 2023/24 Practicals From Karan Rathod

----- Data Science Lab Practicals From 1 to 13, Best of luck----- 1 def average(l):     sum = 0     cnt = 0     for i in range(len(l)):         if l[i] != -999:             sum += l[i]             cnt += 1     avg = sum / cnt     print("Total Marks are : ", sum)     print("Average Marks are : {:.2f}".format(avg)) # Highest score in the class def Maximum(l):     Max = l[0]     for i in range(len(l)):         if l[i] > Max:             Max = l[i]     return (Max) # Lowest score in the class def Minimum(l):     # Assign first element in the array which corresponds to marks of first present student     # This for loop ensures the above condition     for i in range(len(l)):         if l[i] != -999:             Min = l[i]             break     for j in range(i + 1, len(l)):         if l[j] != -999 and l[j] < Min:             Min = l[j]     return (Min) # Count of students who were absent for the test def absentCnt(l):     cnt = 0     for i in range(len(l)):